Got unwanted critters inside your property? Don't panic, we can take care of you. For both residential and commercial properties, we are experienced in handling all your pest control needs - even specialty pests like bed bugs and cockroaches!
If your trees have started to look unhealthy, let us help! From injection services to aphid control we can help your trees thrive and keep them looking great.
Lawn looking patchy and dry? Tired of the weeds? We have an array of lawn treatment services that can improve the condition of your yard from front to back.
Got unwanted critters inside your property? Don't panic, we can take care of you. For both residential and commercial properties, we are experienced in handling all your pest control needs - even specialty pests like bed bugs and cockroaches!
If your trees have started to look unhealthy, let us help! From injection services to aphid control we can help your trees thrive and keep them looking great.
Lawn looking patchy and dry? Tired of the weeds? We have an array of lawn treatment services that can improve the condition of your yard from front to back.
Searching for a reliable pest control company? You can find what you're looking for at
A1 Pest Control. You'll feel confident hiring us for the job because we are fully licensed and insured. And after spending over three decades in the industry, we've learned the best practices for safely removing pests.
You can trust us to improve your tree's health, make your yard more appealing and keep bugs out of your house. Contact us now to partner with our skilled team.
Have pests started showing up on your property? Whether they're living in your home or your trees, A1 Pest Control has a solution for you. We provide top-notch yard services: From fertilization to weed removal, we can do it all
We have the experience and the equipment to take care of any of those critters that are bugging you, including:
With close to 30 years of experience in the industry, we have the equipment and expertise to handle some of the more challenging bug problems around Southeast Idaho. This includes:
From fertilization to weed removal, we can do it all!
We’ll remove harmful pests and fungi from your trees. You’ll rest easier knowing that our team is helping take care of your property and keeping it in tiptop shape.
Finding bed bugs in your home is not a pleasant discovery - we know. Anyone who has ever dealt with bed bugs knows how stubborn and difficult these infestations are. But you are not alone, let the pros here at A1 Pest Control help you!
Get A Bed Bug Consultation Now>>
We have the experience and the specialized equipment to make sure we rid you of the problem and help prevent future issues. Below are some common questions associated with these pesky invaders.
Finding bed bugs in your home is not a pleasant discovery - we know. Anyone who has ever dealt with bed bugs knows how stubborn and difficult these infestations are. But you are not alone, let the pros here at A1 Pest Control help you!
Get A Bed Bug Consultation Now>>
We have the experience and the specialized equipment to make sure we rid you of the problem and help prevent future issues. Below are some common questions associated with these pesky invaders.
Have you or a loved one woken up with red itchy bites that look like clusters or lines? This may be the first indication of a bed bug problem. Time to investigate. To help determine if you have a bed bug problem here are a few other signs:
If you notice any of these signs give us a call right away before an infestation gets too far out of control.
Bed bug infestations can be very nuanced and hard to control. Here are a few reasons why hiring a professional like A1 Pest Control is worth your time and money:
If you have bed bugs in your home, don't feel embarrased. One out of every five people have experienced a bed bug problem or know someone who has. It happens! So how did they most likely get in?
Well, bed bugs are essentially hitchhikers! This means you brought them in after a trip or vacation or they came in with a piece of furniture that wasn't inspected.
They cling onto things like clothes, or bedding and then make there way out at nights to feed. Warm blood is what they feed on and thats why they often nest near bedding of humans and animals.
We would recommend washing your belongings in hot water when returning from a trip and even vacuuming to help eliminate any unwanted stragglers. Make sure to ALWAYS inspect a recently acquired piece of furniture before bringing it into your home.
Again, these things happen frequently so rest easy by calling us today if you have any concerns.
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